James Joyce, 1904-14 Read 9/23/21

This isn't a story so much as a series of almost-connected vignettes. There is also a lot of sex-obsessed Catholic guilt, which is unsurprising considering the author was Irish.
As this is obviously semi-autobiographical, I can say that Joyce was obviously extremely impressed by his own education and intelligence. There were many sermons, but they didn't stop the action as much as the political preaching in Atlas Shrugged.
One thing I can say is that Joyce did an amazing job of showing exactly how Stephen feels and why. Very immersive into the character's eyes. However, he was not at all clever with naming his character Stephen Dedalus. That's not remotely subtle.
Rereadability: Nah.
Time to Read: 2 days
Classic: I can see why this is considered a classic. It is very well written.